2019年凯傲宝骊家庭日圆满举行。员工是企业的宝贵财富,凯傲宝骊始终珍视每一位员工的价值,举办家庭日意在展示宝骊人团结协作的精神,加深宝骊人对企业价值观和企业文化的体会和认同,增进宝骊人彼此间的情谊,携手共建更加和谐美好的宝骊大家庭。最后再次感谢宝骊家属对宝骊一直以来的理解与支持,让我们继续携手,把家园建设的更美丽。2019 Baoli Family Day was successfully held in Jingjiang on 20th July. All members of Baoli and their family got together to play games, enjoy performance and delicious food. Baoli always cherishes the value of every employee. The Family Day shows the core value of collaboration, makes a better understanding of the shared value and culture for Baoli members, and promotes our friendship to make a more harmonious Baoli family.